
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Free Samples for School Nurses!

Updated 6/6/2023

Free Playtex Samples!

+ this post contains affiliate links +

Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: This post was originally written in 2015. At that time school nurses could email and request FREE Playtex samples be sent to their schools. I'm updating this post in 2023 and I'm not sure if those free samples from HavasImpact still exist. I have emailed, but I haven't heard back yet. So, I will also share about my DonorsChoose Period Poverty project that was recently fully funded!

2015- A parade of free tampons & liners made it's way into 
my office this morning and we were thrilled!

Earlier this school year we ran out of tampon samples 
and we only had pads available for the girls- some girls would be very disappointed.  Great news though- earlier that school year we were contacted by the Teen Essentials program asking if we would be interested in receiving Playtex Sport Combo pack to share with our active female students involved in school sports activities.

Of course we were interested & we've been patiently waiting for the delivery since the call!

The wait is over; 5 cased of pads and tampons arrived today! 
Each case contained many sample boxes (I didn't count) with 2 tampons and 2 sport ultra thin pads with wings & coupons too for the girls to use.

Good Luck! 

2023 UPDATE- Free samples of any kind are hard to find!

I'm sharing the resources I've used with success and hoping you can too...


  1. I tried to email them using the email you provided, but is said it was undeliverable.

    1. Thanks Stacie-
      I typed the address wrong :( I corrected it now.... It is
      Good Luck.

  2. Would anyone know where a school could get free maxi pads? We get plenty of free tampons, but it seems like we have an upward trend of girls who prefer maxi pads (while a maxi pad is probably an acceptable alternative for a girl who prefers tampons, the reverse is very rarely true). The free samples we do get are often only tiny panty liners and they simply do not hold our girls through their activities, especially if they are in athletics or PE.

    1. The most recent free samples we received had maxi pads and tampons- no panty liners. I would suggest emailing or calling them at 1-800-281-0924. Good luck. Let me know if you hear of other resources.

  3. Try this:

    This is a program from Proctor and Gamble. It is a family life program that comes with samples of pads. I have also received Secret antiperspirant and Axe body wash samples through them. You don't have to use the puberty info to get the samples.

  4. AnonymousJuly 20, 2017

    several years ago sample packs also had small deodorants in them. Any ideas for these?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I really appreciate this blog!! I've been researching free tampons/pads for a week and finally came across this post. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Thank-you for sharing

  9. Thankful for your blog, new school nurse here. I just got email letting me know that due to covid samples are on hold until further notice. Will keep trying!

  10. Anyone know where to find some free deoderant samples for students?
