
Friday, February 3, 2017

Tracking Student Immunization Records

How do school nurses track student immunization records?

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip:  Tracking student immunization records can take a lot of time. Good news- if you're a school nurse in Illinois then you can apply to have access to student immunization records via I-Care an Illinois online portal.

It's never too early to make your work life easier!

I was pleased to see (on my IG account) that many of you have online access to immunizations. They aren't always the most up-to-date, but when they are it feels like you've own the immunization lottery, right!?

Would it be too much to ask for IL to include the most recent physical exams too?

According to the website: 

"I-CARE, or Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange, is a web based immunization record-sharing application developed by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). The application allows public and private healthcare providers to share the immunization records of Illinois residents with other physicians statewide." (and school nurses too)

Are you a school nurse in Illinois & want to apply for your own I-Care account?