Sunday, January 16, 2022

100 Days of School of Nursing

 100 Days Healthier Printable Student Certificate

+ the post contains affiliate links +

Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip:  Sometimes school nurses find it difficult to feel like they are a part of the school team. One way to feel more included is to participate in special "dress up days" your school hosts. An upcoming favorite is the traditional 100 Days of School. This printable certificate was designed with the school nurse in mind- 100 Days Healthier!

I think it is safe to say that any school nurse you talk to these days feels beyond busy! However, it might feel good to take one day to celebrate with the staff at your school and your students- just one day! This blog post will be short, sweet, and to the point. Keep reading to see how the school nurse can help students celebrate their 100 Days of School this year :) 

Printable 100 Days Healthier PDF Certificate

Purchase, print, and use this 8x10, 100 Days Healthier Certificate. 
Here are a few fun ideas on how to use this item:
  1. Center on your bulletin board addressed to all of your students. Then, let students sign the surrounding area with their name and their favorite health tip.
  2. Print and pass out to all of your known daily visitors! 
  3. Share a digital copy on your Google classroom site or via email for teachers to share.

100 Days School Nurse Amazon T-Shirt Options

The 100th day of school is is the perfect day to wear a school nurse t-shirt with jeans or scrub pants. Give your mind a break from making a decision! Many school nurses will want to fit in with the rest of the school on the 100th day of school celebration and can do so with one of these amazing school nurse themed t-shirts! 

Although those shirts are all great options; the most accurate 100 day t-shirt for me, would have to be this one- "One hundred days of coffee and chaos!"...

100 Days Amazon Bracelets, Stickers, Certificates & More Options

Still looking for more ways the school nurse can celebrate the 100th Day of School? Check out these other great ideas below. With a quick site search on Amazon, I was able to find bracelets, stickers, packets of certificates and many other party decoration items that any school nurse could easily display in their office. 

100 Days Amazon BraceletsStickersCertificates & More Options



Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Top School Nurse Products and Purchases for 2021

What health related products are school nurses purchasing?

+ this post contains affiliate links +

Helpful School Nurse Tip: I'm not a pro at creating products, affiliate marketing, or promoting products, but I enjoy sharing what I use (or wish I could use) with other school nurses as a way to make their days a little bit easier. I've learned through many, many years of trial and error with both school nursing and affiliate marketing :) With either, I know you can do it too! All of the affiliate platforms I use are available to other school nurses too. Best of luck! 


The School Nurse participates in both the Amazon Influencer Program and the Amazon Associates (affiliate) program. What does this mean? This means The School Nurse, LLC. receives a % of money based on sales made through shared links. Money is not made on clicks or viewing items- only on purchased items. I love both of these programs because it allows me to share items I actual use with other school nurses. These items should make the daily routine in your school nurse office easier and maybe even more fun!

Check out the top 5 items sold during 2021 via The School Nurse Amazon affiliate links
  1. How School Nurses Swear Coloring Book!  Full of cuss words and fanciful designs:)
  2. C-Line document sorter. One of my absolute favorite office items. I purchased this with my own money years ago and don't regard a penny spent. I use it daily and so will you!
  3. The School Nurse Notebook- the very first school nurse calendar I published via Kindle Direct Publishing.  Plenty of space to keep great notes for your monthly school nurse duties and much more.
  4. Fast Facts for the School Nurse. A favorite school nurse reference book. Easy to read, practical advise and common school nurse scenarios included.
  5. Special Education and School Nurses. Another favorite school nurse reference book; especially for those new to special education setting. This book gives a great overview of all things related to the special education process and how the school nurse should be involved and what the school nurse's role is in the special education setting.

Did you purchase an item for your school nurse office that you can't live without?  Post about the item in the comments or send an email to so the product can be shared with other school nurses! 

Teachers Pay Teachers

The products posted for sale within this Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) storefront are products that a real life school nurse has designed and even uses (or has used) in her real school nurse office. They are designed to make life a little easier and more streamlined. 
Positive reviews are always appreciated. It is also appreciated that if you have the urge to leave a negative review, please directly with your concern and suggestions for corrections or updates. Attempts to make changes to products occur within 24 hours. Also, keep in mind, once a product is purchased, the buyer has access to future updates for free!

Here are the TOP selling TpT products in The School Nurse store for the year 2021!

12 Monthly Newsletter Idea Starters for the School Nurse

This $2 product actually has about a 1.5 star rating. Please, please, please take the time to read product descriptions of this product and any product you purchase through this site or any site. The product descriptions and pictures are accurate overviews of the product you are purchasing. 

Buyers are encouraged to read the description & look at the preview so they are not disappointed with your purchase. This product includes idea starter pages for SCHOOL NURSE MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS. Monthly health topic ideas only are included with a layout and picture, but NO ACTUAL CONTENT. This product is 100% editable and you can change the layout, update the picture, and add your own information.

  • 12 pages of health related topic ideas to get you started with a quick and easy monthly newsletter- no content included though
  • Edit to make each topic specific to your school / students
  • Include the health education details you want
  • Possibly include links to other classroom lesson ideas
  • Copy & delete as needed to work with specific pages or to save individual pages to share
  • If you add hyperlinks, then you will want to save as PDF prior to sharing
  • If time permits, extend an invitation to teachers to schedule a special school nurse classroom experience where you can offer a lesson, demonstration, and/or hands on practice

This $2 product has a 4.7 star rating and is an original 2017 PDF product!  

This school nurse related product is a PDF Individualized Healthcare Plan TEMPLATE. This very basic IHP template form is a tool for the school nurse to use within her office. The information gathered and entered on any IHP form is mean for the school nurse and her immediate health center / nurse's office staff members only. The information on IHPs are not intended to be shared with other school personnel outside of the nursing staff.  A $4 Google version of this product is available too!


COVID- Google Tracking Sheet

This $4 has zero reviews so far; nonetheless, it is one of my all time favorite school nurse time saving tools! I created this tracking sheet in August of 2020 and have used it daily since. I share this product with all of the health center staff and the attendance office; all of us have the rights to edit the sheet too. Edits an be viewed live between our office which is a huge help and big time saver for all of us!

Over time I have added columns for my professional use that are relevant to what I need quick reference to such as date of positive test, notifying teachers and the special services department. Since this is a Google product any buyers can make edits and add / delete columns as they need to; they can even add additional sheets. Buyers can use this in their school, but should not share the product with other nurses in their school district. 

These COVID-19 Google tracking sheets are so important to the daily functions in my nurse's office and the school's attendance office that I devoted a blog post to them and even created an amateur YouTube video for them!

COVID - Google Tracking Sheets
Welcome to the very first COVID-19 digital product The School Nurse created back in the fall of 2020. I needed something easy and editable to use that I could track student attendance, staff attendance, create a weekly report, etc. I also wanted something that could easily be shared with the other nurse at my school and those who "needed to know" in case I wasn't able to be at work for whatever reason.  

This Teachers Pay Teachers product is what I created and continue to use this school year. hey are 100% editable, so you can customize them specific to your school/s and your needs. Currently, the top row of each sheet is "frozen", so it will be visible whether you have 10 entries or 510 entries!  These COVID Google sheets keep me organized and provide an easy way to access all the COVID information I need on a daily basis.  I think they would help you too! You can create your own, or purchase these and edit them to meet your needs.

Tabs Include:

  1. Student Attendance Sheet
  2. Staff Attendance Sheet
  3. Weekly Report
  4. No Mask / Alternative Diagnosis Sheet
  5. LHD Notification Sheet

To help you get started, I created this informational video. Keep in mind I'm not a videographer. You will hear beautiful windchimes in the background but also some hopefully, helpful information about using this product and making your school nurse days a little easier!  Also, in this video you will hear me refer to using "email notifications"!... Watch this video to learn more about email notifications and view the coordinating TpT product here.


Nurse Pass- THREE editable options

This $4 Google Docs products is another top seller, but has no reviews. It is another one of my favorites though. This product can be used by school nurses, office staff, and / or classroom teachers. All three of these school nurse pass are 100% editable which means you can customize them to your specific needs.


Purchase, download, edit, print and use!  8 1/2 X 11 DOC contains THREE school nurse pass options.

All Things Type 1 Diabetes

This $15 product is a bundle and include seven individual products all related to students with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). This product does not have any reviews, but it is another one of my favorites! Here are the seven products included in this one bundle:


Please email The School Nurse with any product suggestions you might have.  When time permits, I love working on new ideas and custom products. 


The School Nurse Zazzle storefront was created in 2012. The items posted are designed with the school nurse in mind! The school nurse items range from fun and cute to practical and useful. Have fun looking. I love working on custom items too; email me if there is something specific you would like to see posted;

Below are the top six selling Zazzle items from The School Nurse storefront in 2021. All of these items can be customized, edited prior to purchase too! Are you a bargain shopper? If so, remember that Zazzle offers many % off sales throughout the year. Just look below the item you're interested in to see if it is include in a current sale. If not, search on Google for an online Zazzle coupon. Have fun looking around The School Nurse Zazzle storefront.

  1. Personalize the school nurse poster. This poster is perfect if your name is Mrs. Morrison! If not, don't worry- you can edit the name to whatever your students and staff call you. Use this poster to decorate your school nurse office walls, doors, or bulletin board; you can even frame it.
  2. The School Nurse self inking stamper- Many school nurses use this customizable self inking stamper as a quick way to official sign school nurse office passes. How would you use it?
  3. In a word where you can be anything, BE KIND cell phone case. This floral cell phone case with an uplifting reminder about being kind is always a top seller! Do you own it?
  4. School Nurse of TINY humans t-shirt. I'm a school nurse, but the humans I help aren't really that tiny! Also, I've ordered several t-shirts for myself from Zazzle and I'm always satisfied with the quality.
  5. Be Wise Sanitize poster. I created this poster after an in-service training I offered staff that I titled BE WISE, SANITIZE. I should really offer that as a TpT item :)
  6. Medication Forms binder. This large 3 ring binder is perfect for storing the medication forms you receive each year! Even though I electronically chart medications, I like to keep a paper copy of current orders near the medication cabinet for quick reference. I usually receive a handful of completed forms, but no meds. I keep those in the front pocket until medications are received.

School Nurse Office Decor; Personalized PosterThe School Nurse personal stamper Self-inking StampBe Kind Floral Script Design Case-Mate iPhone Case

school nurse long sleeve tshirtHandwashing Be Wise Sanitize Quote PosterPills - Medications graphic; blues & grays 3 Ring Binder