Sunday, February 26, 2023

Period Poverty & Products- Project TWO

Purchasing Period Products

+ This post contains affiliate links. +

Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip:  One of the most common questions asked is "How do I get the funds to purchase needed period products for the students at my school". My answer was DonorsChoose and maybe (I hope) it can be your answer too?

Period Poverty will be a project I complete every school year!

Period products are an expensive necessity and so, Period Poverty is a real thing.

According to my state board of education, 53% of the student population at my high school are considered low income students. The state BOE also states that schools need to supply period products at no cost to the student...

Get all of the details HERE | Illinois Public Act 102-0340

However, I did not receive an increase in my yearly budget to help cover the additional expenses for such needed items. The kindness of donors helped me help my students by donating over $1,000 to purchase period products!  THANK YOU.

DonorsChoose to the rescue! 

Lack of necessary menstrual health supplies such as pads, tampons, and menstrual cups and have significant implications. These implications can cause health issues such as infections but also social issues such as embarrassment and missed opportunities to attend school and/or work. I'm so thankful that I'm able to keep a fully stocked grab-n-go table with a variety of period products for my students and I hope you can too.

See what I bought HERE and other item ideas HERE!

Period Poverty DonorsChoose Project


start your very own project HERE

Monday, February 13, 2023

Random School Nurse Supplies- Project SIX

DonorsChoose Project SIX


+ affiliate links included in this post +

Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip:  Some public school nurses wonder how they'll come up with money to purchase needed items for their office.  Read on for more information on expanding your school nurse budget by using DonorsChoose projects for needed office items!

To date, I've received over $3000 in funding to purchase items for my public school nurse office & I hope you can too!

You can read all about the projects I've completed HERE, then start your very own project HERE!

I found DonorsChoose to be:

  1. Easy!  The process if very user friendly. Step-by-step directions provided.
  2. Convenient! They collect the donated money and order the items I select (usually from Amazon Business) then the items are shipped directly to my school!

I advertise my projects on my personal Facebook page and ask friends and families to share with others. I have received donations from friends, families, businesses, BOE members, and even strangers who are looking to support public schools!


With this project was almost $400 worth of items. With the donations received, I was able to purchase some wanted items and some needed items! The Shark air purifiers were needs whereas the log book & motivational canvas print were wants. We appreciate each and every item we received!  The full list of items is posted below with Amazon links too!  Have fun taking a look.

start your very own project HERE