Diary Of A School Nurse: April 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Moms Who Care & Yellow Roses

It's a good day when...
Someone brings you flowers!

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip:  I've said it before & I'll say it again- Working with Moms Who Care is the best! Not only do they care about my students, but they care about me too! I'm blessed beyond words to work with this group of great volunteers.

I've received these yellow roses compliments of a former school board member and current Moms Who Care volunteer!

She said they are a Thank You for all of the hard work I do :)

She is sweet.... She works hard herself too and is greatly appreciated.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lillian Wald and The History of School Nursing

The beginning of school nursing

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: Did you realize the idea of school nursing came about as an experiment?  Luckily for us, the experiment was greatly successful! Read on to learn more...

How did it become that a nurse was needed to work in the school setting so many years ago?

Lillian Wald's pioneering work in public health nursing laid the groundwork for the evolution of nursing practices in various settings, including schools. Through her establishment of the Henry Street Settlement and the Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Wald emphasized community-based care, preventive health measures, and a holistic approach to meeting the unique healthcare needs of underserved populations.

While her focus was more community health related, Wald's principles of health promotion, education, and the provision of care within the context of the community had a profound influence on the broader field of nursing; i.e. school nursing. As schools increasingly became recognized as vital community hubs, the principles Wald championed, such as addressing social determinants of health and advocating for the well-being of children, indirectly influenced the development of school nursing programs.

Her legacy in public health nursing continues to resonate in the ethos of school nursing, promoting a community-oriented, preventive care model that recognizes the interconnectedness of health within the school environment and the broader community.

the history of school nursing

School Nursing Started As An Experiment

In the late 1800s/early 1900s New York City allowed 
1 nurse to work with 8,671 students.

The goal was simple, right?
  • exclude students who needed to be excluded from school
  • provide follow up care with those students and their families 
  • enable those excluded students to return to school as soon as possible

That school year, the absenteeism rate decreased by 90%!

The experiment was so successful that New Year City hired 25 more nurses to work in their schools!

Although some of the needs students face today might be 
a little different than when Lillian Wald began the school nurse journey;
the goal is still the same-

Promoting health in the school setting so students are ready to learn!

 Check out these other popular DOASN blog posts & product links.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Free Samples for School Nurses!

Updated 6/6/2023

Free Playtex Samples!

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: This post was originally written in 2015. At that time school nurses could email free.samples@havasimpact.com and request FREE Playtex samples be sent to their schools. I'm updating this post in 2023 and I'm not sure if those free samples from HavasImpact still exist. I have emailed, but I haven't heard back yet. So, I will also share about my DonorsChoose Period Poverty project that was recently fully funded!

2015- A parade of free tampons & liners made it's way into 
my office this morning and we were thrilled!

Earlier this school year we ran out of tampon samples 
and we only had pads available for the girls- some girls would be very disappointed.  Great news though- earlier that school year we were contacted by the Teen Essentials program asking if we would be interested in receiving Playtex Sport Combo pack to share with our active female students involved in school sports activities.

Of course we were interested & we've been patiently waiting for the delivery since the call!

The wait is over; 5 cased of pads and tampons arrived today! 
Each case contained many sample boxes (I didn't count) with 2 tampons and 2 sport ultra thin pads with wings & coupons too for the girls to use.

Good Luck! 

2023 UPDATE- Free samples of any kind are hard to find!

I'm sharing the resources I've used with success and hoping you can too...