Monday, October 1, 2012

Lunch Ladies Free Printable

Original Post 10/1/2012
Update Post 5/22/2023
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Celebrate The Cafeteria Crew

This poem was written by a  former student during his senior year of high school.
We were so inspired that we convinced him to recite the poem to the entire group of lunch ladies; no lunch gentleman at the time.

I'm 99.9% certain he was rewarded with a cookie!

School Lunch Hero Day is The first Friday in May 

Celebrate your cafeteria crew!

Click HERE to download your own 5x7 copy.
I'm certain receiving this would make any Lunch Lady smile!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Emergency Bag for School Nurses

Are you ready for a health emergency?

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: This is my #1 read DOASN blog post of all time. I think it is because school nurses want to be prepared for a health emergency within their school building. Read this post to see what I keep in my medical grab n go bag.

The School Nurse Background

I've worked in 4 schools (2 JR Highs and 2 High Schools- currently at a high school)
and health emergencies tend to be similar regardless of what school I am in!
A staff member uses a 'call button' or phone to call the office responsible
for all emergencies (usually the main office of the dean's office).
In a health emergency they frantically say "We need The Nurse"....
then The Nurse is called via a walkie talkie to report to Room # for an emergency.

However, 99.8% of the time I am never told what the emergency consists of!
This used to bother me because I felt as though I was walking into the unknown;
but anymore I'm OK with not knowing- I'm ready regardless of the situation.

Here are some examples of emergencies I've been called to help with over the years:
  • broken bones
  • fainting- especially after a blood drive
  • seizures
  • fights- some are sadly really bad- unconsciousness, broken bones, bleeding- paramedics called kind of bad!
  • strokes- a couple of teachers I've worked with have had strokes @ school. both fully recovered.
  • anxiety attacks
And I'm certain there are more that my memory takes for granted and I'm failing to mention now :)

So, I have learned to be mentally prepared to walk into anything and
I also need to have supplies with me to treat a variety of situations when I arrive.
To help me feel prepared I have arranged an "Emergency Bag"
always stocked and ready to 'grab n' go!' to any emergency. 
I also always bring my walkie talkie to keep in touch
with the LPN (yes, I'm spoiled!) who stays in the nurse's office
eagerly waiting my updates. She knows that no news is good news &
something I can handle without help from the outside (ie the local paramedics).
Also, the school security office (a former EMT and firefighter- spoiled again)
 meets me at the call and typically one of the deans arrives too.
The above bag was left for me to use by the nurse I replaced when she left after 14 years service! I'm not sure where she purchased it, but it works out great!
When kids or staff members see me in the halls with this on my shoulder they know I'm headed to a situation and they make room for me in the hallways-
which as you know can be really crowded sometimes!
Here is the bag unzipped- it opens all the way open and so I can see everything I have inside. And what is "everything you wonder"...Let's see-
  I am also lucky enough to have standing orders for the emergency items mentioned above!
As for teacher classrooms- they are offered
gloves and band aids to keep on hand (no pun intended!).
We don't have an actual classroom emergency kit at this point in time-
maybe we will make something in the future;
I'm not sure what our Safety Committee will decide.

Shop for the above items & many more on The School Nurse's Amazon store-


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Head Lice & The School Nurse

Pediculosis and The School Nurse

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip:  As a school nurse, it is just a matter of time before you are introduced to head lice. Having the most reliable information will help you offer accurate healthcare advice and educate your students, staff, and parents.  

 “The school nurse plays an integral role in providing education related to treatment and environmental recommendations for families affected by head lice.” (Bultas & Smith, 2022) Yet school nurses struggle with what their role in this very sensitive issue. As the leader who bridges health care and education, the registered professional school nurse… advocates for evidence-based head lice management strategies that eliminate exclusionary practices and promote positive student outcomes, including reduced absenteeism. (NASN, 2020)

What is Head Lice? 

Head lice are parasitic insects found commonly on the head, eyebrows, and eyelashes of people. Head lice have a 3 stage life cycle: egg (nits), nymph, and adult.  The adult louse lives off the blood of a human head. This louse cannot survive without blood for more 1-2 days.  
Although head lice can be a nuisance, they are not known to spread disease. They also don't discriminate and have nothing to do with the cleanliness of a family, student, or classroom.  Lice enjoy clean hair just as much as dirty hair. Lice have been found on the heads of those who live in the out in the country and those who live in the big city.
Though head lice may be a nuisance, they don't cause serious illness or carry any diseases. Head lice can be treated at home, but it's important to check with the doctor first.

What are common signs / symptoms of head lice?

  • itchy scalp
  • feeling like something is moving in the hair or on the scalp
  • trouble sleeping because lice are moving around more when it is dark
  • occasionally sores occur on the head from scratching

Important head lice facts to remember

  • Head lice cannot jump
  • Head lice cannot fly
  • Head lice cannot hop
  • Head lice can only crawl 

How are lice spread? 

  • Close contact
  • Leaning into close and/or rubbing heads together
  • Sharing combs/brushes/picks
  • Sharing head phones, hats, scarves
  • Borrowing blankets, pillows, masks (face masks and Halloween masks)
  • Laying on a surface recently in contact with someone who has lice

  • Don't screen entire classrooms or grade levels for lice
  • Don't exclude from school for nits or even live lice
  • Don't send home school wide or class wide lice notifications 

Head Lice Do's

  • Do provide privacy and head checks as needed
  • Do notify the student and parent as soon as possible if live lice or nits are found
  • Do provide accurate treatment options to the parents
  • Do allow the parents to pick up their student early to begin treatment (but don't require it)

School Nurse Resources

 Check out these other popular DOASN blog posts & product links.

Friday, May 4, 2012

National School Nurse Day!

Did you know that May 9, 2012 is
National School Nurse Day!

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: National School Day is a day to celebrate yourself and your hard work. It is also a great time to educate your students & staff on all of your responsibilities. Use this free digital or printable card to celebrate with your favorite school nurse co-workers and friends!

School Nurses are pleased to receive recognition on this day!

I received a card with this school nurse poem from one of my favorite school counselors- LAS! 

THANK YOU LAS, I miss you :)