Saturday, February 8, 2020

Emergency Bag for School Nurses

Emergency Bag 1/2 way update

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: Sooner or later you will be called to a health emergency somewhere within the school. Are you ready?  What will you grab and take with you?

School Nurse Emergency Grab N Go Bags are a Hot Topic!

I know, because this topic is one of the most popular read posts for this blog!

School Nurse Emergency Bags

This topic is searched and read about a lot; I can only it means other school nurses want to be as prepared as possible for a health emergency in the school setting.

Since many times school nurse are the only medical professional within the school (and they work alone), they are curious what other school nurses carry in their emergency grab-n-go bags!  

For years I used a medical bag (similar picture below) but I'm not in love with it. I always feel like my items are unorganized and I spend valuable time searching for what I needed. So, as we finish off the second semester of this school year, I am looking for ideas and suggestions for a new emergency bag.

What type of school emergency bag do you use?

Comment what you like and what items you carry in your bag!
I have a few ideas/suggestions already but haven't purchased anything yet.

I'll let you know what I decide!
Thanks for any input...


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