Monday, January 18, 2021



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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: The question isn't "If a health emergency happens, will I be prepared?", the question is "When a school health emergency happens, will I be prepared?".  Run through scenarios in your head and make sure you have an emergency bag (or box) ready to go!

Updated School Nurse Emergency Box!

For years, I’ve promised an update, but as a busy school nurse, this blog post kept getting pushed to the back burner. Finally, I took a moment to snap a picture of my current emergency bag! Ready? Spoiler alert: My school nurse emergency bag isn’t a bag at all—it’s a BOX! And a red backpack with an AED inside!

My school nurse emergency bag is not actually a bag at all- it is a BOX!

How can school nurses be prepared to respond to health emergencies in the school setting?

What should nurses include in their health first response kits?

I keep my emergency box on a shelf in my office for easy grab-and-go access. While I still have the same basic supplies as before, everything is now neatly organized by type, thanks to pencil storage cases. I even made simple labels for each case—no fancy label maker needed! I printed the labels on regular paper and taped them to the boxes. Inside the pencil storage cases, I also keep folded copies of any specific emergency action plans I might need. So far, this setup has worked great!

You might be saying to yourself 
"Great, but carrying that box would be awkward."

You might be thinking, "Great, but isn’t carrying a box awkward?" And yes, it is a little awkward to carry. But I prefer having everything organized and labeled—it saves me time and stress during an emergency! Plus, the box fits perfectly on the seat of a wheelchair, which I typically take with me on emergency calls.

Curious about what’s inside? Here’s a quick peek: 

School Nurse Emergency Box Contents:

Items Also Taken:
AED inside a Red Backpack similar to this one

Many school nurses (including myself) need standing orders for the emergency items mentioned above. Do you know your state requirements?

Finding Out About The Emergency

Responding to the emergency obviously important, but equally important is knowing how you'll find out about the emergency. This process varies between schools. These are the main things you'll need to know:

  • How will you find out about the emergency
  • Who responds to the emergency and what are their roles
  • What happens in your office while you are responding
  • What are the protocols if 911 needs to be activated
  • Who notifies the parents
  • Who adjusts school attendance for the student

What about you? What do you use as your emergency kit? Have any favorite supplies or tips for staying organized? Let me know in the comments!

Hang tight for another update—in about eight years or so!   

I've shared several blog posts about school nurse emergency bags that you can read- HERE.

Original & Most Popular DOASN Blog Posts

This school nurse emergency bag blog post from 2012 is the most read post on the Diary Of A School Nurse blog! You can check it out here- 2012 POST HERE.
There is a follow up school nurse emergency bag blog post from 2020 that you can read HERE- 2020 POST HERE.

Check out these other popular DOASN blog posts & links.

1 comment:

  1. As far as the EAP's, are they for students or just general EAPs? If student EAP's do you carry their rescue medications or just use what you have with you?
