Back To School : FREE Epi Pens
Helpful School Nurse Tip: Allergy reactions can occur at any time to any thing. Allergy reactions can escalate with each exposure. Are you prepared to respond? Does your school have undesignated epinephrine available to use in an emergency allergy situation?
To say this is a wonderful and valuable service is an understatement.
This is a potentially LIFE SAVING offer they continue to provide for FREE!
- Who needs to know how and when to use an epi-pen.
- How will those people be taught signs/symptoms and medication administration techniques?
- Does your school district require a medication form or action plan?
- Who needs to know which students have potentially life threatening allergies?
- How are students with severe allergies identified?
- Do students have permission to carry their own emergency medications?
- How will you gather more information from the parents? View this easy to use & editable digital Health History form HERE.
- ... and many more questions depending on your school/s and school district
As nurses, we often take our knowledge for granted and might even assume that others we work with understand or have a similar knowledge base regarding certain health conditions.
However, as school nurses, we are often viewed as the medical expert within the school setting. One of the roles of a school nurse is to educate others we work with so they understand what they need to know about certain medical conditions. Does that make sense?
Teacher Tips cards provide an opportunity to educate others within the school on a specific health condition. These teacher tips give broad information on a health condition and invite school staff to ask you for specific details as needed.
Way back when, I used to print information sheets and hand deliver them to teachers or put them inside their teacher mailbox; I’m dating myself, right?! Now, I include these digital Teacher Tips digital health information cards within the body of an email message to teachers and/or add them as an IHP attachment in Skyward for a specific student.
EMAIL: Since the Teacher Tips cards offer broad information, I have the option of including more student specific details within the body of the email; information staff would need to know. I can also include a copy of the 504 Plan or ask teachers to reference the 504 Plan for even more specific information.
SKYWARD: Use Skyward to your advantage! If you have access to the Skyward Health module then consider uploading the teacher tips cards within the Health tab of Skyward Student Management. How you wonder? Follow these steps:
- Open the student screen within the Health tab of the Skyward Student Management System
- Select IHP
- Then “Add File”
- Enter a form description and then Choose the Teacher Tips file you want to attach (download as a PDF from Google prior to attaching in Skyward)
- Use the Comment box to add student specific information or more detailed information you want to the teacher to be aware of.
The Teachers Pay Teachers items discussed in this blog post are items I actual use- or very close variations of those items! These items are created and designed to offer consistency when working with multiple students and sometimes at multiple schools.
Please comment if there is a specific health concern or school nursing task that you want to see digital items created for! As always, thank you for your support!
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