Diary Of A School Nurse: May 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

School Nurse Poem

School Nurse Poem

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: I read an article once that employees who feel appreciate will do more than expected. Do you think that is true?  I know I felt appreciated when I received this poem from one of my favorite school counselors- LAS.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Student Excuses- Trying to Get Out of PE class

No PE for Me Please!

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Hopefully Helpful School Nurse Tip: You'll hear so many unbelievable things over the years of your school nursing career that you honestly won't be able to remember all of them. Write them down as they happen; you'll laugh & thank yourself later!

Years ago I worked at a junior high school (grades 6, 7, & 8). 

One day a nice, quiet, smart boy (and obviously someone who planned ahead!)
sketched me a beautiful picture. He thanked me for

"Three years of healing"! 

You can just imagine my heart melting as I thought of how much he appreciated all of my help over the years :)

The very next day he returned to my office
(keep in mind I'm still feeling appreciated and thankful because
of the beautiful bubble letter artwork he recently gifted me!)

 He asked me if I still liked the picture he made just for me! 
Of course I'm thrilled to tell him how much I still liked the picture.

Then he begs me to please, please, please
excuse him from PE class that day...
I'm CRUSHED- that quickly! 

What some kids will do to get out of mile run day!
Anyone relate?  What is the craziest excuse you've received?

Write it down today so you'll remember it tomorrow!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Diary Of A School Nurse- The First Blog Post

original post 05/19/2011
updated graphics 5/21/2023


Helpful School Nurse Tip: Do What You LOVE, LOVE What You Do!

Am I a school nurse blogger now?

I've never "blogged" before.... 

I've read a lot of blogs but never actually blogged.

However, I have been a school nurse for over 25 years.  
You can read more about my school nurse career HERE.

Throughout those years I've kept a record of some of the best stories. 

Things that have happened along the way in the school nurse's office.
Things that will make you laugh, cry, or maybe both!

Things that have worked well for my office(s).
Things that could have worked out better.

Are you a school nurse reading this blog?
If so, I hope you can relate to the stories I share.

And may you find a few hopefully helpful school nurse tips along the way.

Remember I would love to read your thoughtful comments too! 

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